The Grass is Greener Where You Water it

How many times have you heard the cliche "The grass is greener on the other side"? And how many times have you looked at someone else's life, feeling envious? Every day we see so many people, online or in real life, that always seem to have more and better than us. It's a matter of fact that we always tend to compare ourselves to others and often feel like there is that we're missing.

We've already talked about this last week, reflecting on another common cliche "Comparison is the thief of joy".






The truth is we always want what we don't have and always look across the fence to the proverbial "other side". We waste our time whining about why everyone else's grass seems greener than ours, and we don't see that maybe the reason is that we haven't watered our patch well enough. 


Cause the truth is "The grass is green where you water it".


So, instead of envy others and and look at their side of the fence, try taking care of yours. Water it, work hard, take risks and sacrifices, and you'll probably start to see some results. Your grass will start to flourish, too. Cause remember, nothing worth having comes easy. And in the end, it all comes down to one simple thing: how bad do you want it? How bad do you want to make your dreams become your reality?


Cause dreams are just like grass. They both grow when you nourish them.


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Hi everyone, we are Vanilla & Julia and we are very happy you have reached out our blog! We are twin sisters and we come from Italy (Rome). Our biggest passion in life is music and singing and we're studying hard to make a job of it. We love to express ourselves in many different ways, we really enjoy fashion and makeup. We believe that life is meant to be lived happily and that the best thing can come out from every situation: "Never give up" is our mantra! Meditation and fitness are a big part of our life, because we know nothing is more powerful than feeling good in our own skin, both physically and mentally. We really believe that if everyone was really connected to their real self, there wouldn't be room for hate in this world. Kindness is our superpower and we can't wait to share all the love we have and positive vibes with you all!
