Why Are Bad Habits So Hard To Break? - change your life & achieve your goals


It's summer, time to enjoy the beaches, to travel and discover new adventures, and relax.

We personally love summer break, it is the best time of year to spend days and nights with friends, organize a holiday, and to enjoy barbecues, picnics and pool parties.

In conclusion, definitely time to take a break from stress and to have more time to yourself, and ..

maybe time to make some new year's resolutions to try to finally


change your life and achieve your goals.


In fact what better time than the beginning of Autumn to decide to change your life and make your dreams and goals come true?

Every time we make our new year's resolutions, we say we're gonna change our life forever and we really believe we can achieve everything we want. 


But.. 90% of the cases we fail. Our efforts and sacrifices end in failure. Every year we promise we are going to change, we say that we are going to improve, and get better organized. Every year we end up exactly the same.



But why? Why is it so hard to change our bad habits?




Why can't we get a better organization or keep things under our control?

Now, we want you to understand the reasons why it happens and give you some advices to finally change your life.


Well, what happens is that our mind is used to procrastinate, to put things off until tomorrow.

If we work hard to achieve something but we can't see any immediate results we easily lose motivation.

Our mind will postpone that change, that goal, thinking tomorrow will be easier.

We think tomorrow we'll have the strength, the energy we need to change.

We think we will have more time to focus on it properly, cause tomorrow is a hazy point in the future and therefore you don't have to worry about it.


For example, you want to lose weight and stay fit and healthy but you have bad habits you need to change, because you eat unhealthy you don't workout and so on.. So, what you should do is simply change these bad habits and create new good ones.

You should start cooking healthy meals for instance, working out regularly, three times a week..





If by following these new good habits you lost 5kg in a day your mind would be happy about it,


you would understand you need to keep on this way and you would do it achieving your goal.



But the truth is it's not that easy.


Because if you want to see results, 99% of cases you need to wait


We know, when you're working hard you want to see results fast.. but life is not like this

When you start working out on a training program for instance you need to wait at least 2 weeks to see results.

We know your mind is telling you - "hey, why is it taking so long?" - and you really feel like giving up and breaking these new good habits..

But don't! 




So, the first thing you need to do to change is..




This is the first key world and you always have to keep that in mind.


Keep trying. Don't give up. If you keep going now it will always be easier and easier.




Remember, these first steps uphill might be boring or hard but soon the road will turn downhill and you will be glad of your struggles!

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Hi everyone, we are Vanilla & Julia and we are very happy you have reached out our blog! We are twin sisters and we come from Italy (Rome). Our biggest passion in life is music and singing and we're studying hard to make a job of it. We love to express ourselves in many different ways, we really enjoy fashion and makeup. We believe that life is meant to be lived happily and that the best thing can come out from every situation: "Never give up" is our mantra! Meditation and fitness are a big part of our life, because we know nothing is more powerful than feeling good in our own skin, both physically and mentally. We really believe that if everyone was really connected to their real self, there wouldn't be room for hate in this world. Kindness is our superpower and we can't wait to share all the love we have and positive vibes with you all!
